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Conversations with Confreres-Fr. Tom Esselman, C.M.

June 2024

Fr. Tom Esselman, C.M., outgoing Assistant Provincial of the Congregation of the Mission Western Province, tells how he was motivated by service at a young age and was later inspired by the simple charity of a cleaning woman while serving in Kenya.


What Can I Do to Change the World?

May 2024

This year, the Congregation of the Mission around the world is celebrating the 400th anniversary of its founding. A new video from the CM Communications Office in Rome beautifully sums up the Vincentian charism in action.

Vincent de Paul startedbrief his congregation with a small group of like-minded clergy he called “The Little Company.” Today, the Little Company consists of 3,000 Vincentian priests and brothers in 100 countries around the world. 

Conversations with Confreres-Bro. Ken Lund, C.M.

May 2024

Bro. Ken Lund, who now serves as Superior at Lazarist Residence in St. Louis, worked in poor migrant communities for 37 years and tells a story about an experience he had teaching catechism to the children in one such community.


Conversations with Confreres-Fr. Stephen Gallegos, C.M.

April 2024

Fr. Stephen Gallegos, C.M., Parochial Vicar at Sacred Heart Parish in Patterson, CA, talks about his route from a Colorado orphanage to joining the Vincentians as a brother, to being ordained a priest while serving in Taiwan.

Conversations with Confreres-Fr. Nhan “Tino” Tran, C.M.

March 2024

Fr. Nhan “Tino” Tran, C.M., discusses how he decided to emigrate from his native Vietnam and become a Vincentian priest. He explains how meaningful it is for him to work one-on-one with poeple, especially those who have fallen away from the church.

Conversations with Confreres-Fr. Perry Henry, C.M.

February 2024

Fr. Perry Henry, C.M., Provincial Director of the Daughters of Charity, St. Louise Province, in St. Louis, discusses his time in parochial ministry in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina and the need to find a quiet place to listen to God when discerning a religious vocation.

Conversations with Confreres-Fr. Dan Thiess, C.M.

January 2024

Fr. Dan Thiess, C.M., has spent most of his time in ministry working directly with the poor. In this video, he talks about how he came to choose that path and about how Jesus is present in the poor.

In Memoriam-2023

January 2024

We remember the Vincentians that we lost in 2023: Bro. Richard Hermann, C.M., and Fr. Michael Mulhearn, C.M., in this beautiful video produced by Catholic Teamworks and The God Minute. 

Conversations with Confreres-Fr. Miles Heinen, C.M.

November 2023

Fr. Miles Heinen, C.M., who served for several years as the executive director of the Vincentian Solidarity Office in Rome, is now a senior priest in service at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Los Angeles and talks about the process of discerning a religious vocation and also the unexpected stops in his journey where he found himself saying, “yes.”

Conversations with Confreres-Fr. John Rybolt, C.M.

October 2023

Fr. John Rybolt, C.M., Vincentian Scholar at DePaul University in Chicago, tells about assembling the six-volume general history of the Congregation of the Mission and working in the literal presence of St. Vincent de Paul.

Tom Mangogna–Apostle of Charity

October 2023

Tom Mangogna, longtime supporter of the Vincentians of the Western Province, talks about his connection to the Congregation of the Mission and why being a monthly sustainer is his preferred way to support the Vincentians’ work.

Conversations with Confreres-Fr. J. Patrick Murphy, C.M.

September 2023

Fr. J. Patrick Murphy, C.M., is values director for DePaul International and also a Professor Emeritus at DePaul University, where he had a distinguished career as a teacher, faculty leader, and administrator. He discusses his entry into the Vincentian community as a product of his admiration for the Vincentians he met as a young man, as well as his commitment to the DePaul students and his own continued learning.

Conversations with Confreres-Fr. Joseph Williams, C.M.

August 2023

Fr. Joe Williams, C.M., pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Chicago, Illinois, discusses his early Vincentian education and its role in his later decision to become a Vincentian priest, as well as the process he underwent to learn to love the poor.

Conversations with Confreres-Bro. Mark Elder, C.M.

July 2023

Bro. Mark Elder, Art Professor and muralist at DePaul University in Chicago, discusses the role of providence in his joining the Congregation of the Mission, as well as how he as an artist serves the Vincentian mission.