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The C.M. at the U.N.–It’s Called Fairness

Even in the more undeveloped areas of the world, where futures seem pre-determined and fixed, with some exposure to the wider world everyone would want greater fairness, with opportunity for everyone, with material help when needed, with everyone’s dignity respected. The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda of Peace and Prosperity for People and the Planet aims at getting humanity closer to that world. And the underlying promise is to leave no one behind.

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The CM at the UN: The World Happiness Report

The UN World Happiness Report reveals that the largest economies, including the U.S., don’t necessarily have the happiest citizenry. While the young are less happy because of many factors, they also hold the key to turning things around.

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Fr. Ron Ramson, C.M.–Do We Take Lent Seriously?

I would like to introduce myself, as I am new to this column. My name is Ronald Ramson, C.M. I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. I finished High School at St. Vincent College in Cape Girardeau, Missouri and then I came to Perryville in 1950 for the Novitiate program at St. Mary’s of the Barrens.

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The CM at the UN: Who is Missing?

With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 193 nations, all members of the United Nations, pledged to leave no one behind. 
But it isn’t easy to “leave no one behind.” 

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We are Called to Mission and SERVICE and NOT TO SURVIVAL

On Jan. 27, 2024, Fr. Patrick McDevitt, C.M., Provincial Superior of the Congregation of the Mission Western Province, gave the keynote address to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Houston General Assembly. He spoke about Vincentian spirituality and the call to mission and service.

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The CM at the UN: The 5 Ps–Plus 1

In the most recent article of this series, Behind at Halftime, we looked at how far behind the world finds itself in achieving the 2030 United Nations Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This program for a better world for all is built around 5 P’s: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnerships. Another P, however, “Profit,” stands in the way of meaningful progress.

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