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China Centennial Series Part VII–The Doolittle Raid

By 1940, 30 Vincentians from the Western Province of the U.S. were working in China in 14 mission houses in the Yukiang region of the country. Though China and Japan had been at war for several years, the rest of the world was on the precipice of being drawn into the conflict as well.

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The CM at the UN: A Resolution to End Homelessness

Like the new year’s resolutions that we make, there are lots of resolutions at the United Nations, documents upon documents about justice and peace, human rights, equitable development, and protection of those less fortunate. How much of it is real? How many resolutions actually matter?

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China Centennial Series Part 6–Bishop Paul Misner, C.M.

By the following November, Fr. Misner believed that “peace is in sight,” providing “a wonderful opportunity for missionary work.” The residences had been recovered from the military occupation and “the work we have done among the refugees has opened up many regions to us, in which priests had never set a foot before, and the people, before very antagonistic, are now friendly towards us.” In order to best take advantage of those opportunities, he pleads for “prayers, men, and money.”

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Bro. Richard Hermann, C.M.–Oct. 31, 1935-Feb. 4, 2023

Brother Richard A. Hermann, C.M., was born in Weingarten, MO, on October 31, 1935, one of 15 children of Edward Hermann and Anna Jokerst. He entered the novitiate in June 1958 at St. Mary’s of the Barrens Seminary in Perryville, MO. He lived there until his death on February 4, 2023. The virtues of hard work, a seriousness about life, and a caring for others were the hallmarks of his well-lived life.

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Lives of the Vincentian Saints–Bl. Rosalie Rendu, 1786-1856

Rosalie’s prayerfulness and loving demeanor attracted the attention of the poor and the wealthy alike. Among her admirers were Blessed Frédéric Ozanam (founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul), Venerable Jean Léon Le Prevost, and Napoleon III and his wife, who awarded her the Cross of the Legion of Honor.

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Lives of the Vincentian Saints–Blessed Giuseppina Nicoli, D.C.

Born in 1863 in Pavia, Italy, Giuseppina Nicoli, D.C., was well-educated prior to her entrance into the Daughters of Charity in Turin, Italy. Her apostolate included serving as Sister Servant (Superior) of an orphanage, as a catechist for needy people and children, and service to the poor, orphans, and sick, and visiting the incarcerated.

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Feb. 1–Feast of the Martyrs of Angers

Feb. 1 is the feast day of the Martyrs of Angers, who were put to death for refusing to renounce their faith during the French Revolution. The martyred included Daughters of Charity Marie-Anne Vaillot and Odile Baumgarten.  

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